Congratulations to the Cohen MathCounts Team for their performance at the State MathCounts competition. We are proud of our team for all their hard work and representing Cohen at the state competition. Go Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
Congratulations to the Cohen band for their performance at last night's concert. It was a joy to see the students perform at the Collins Center for the Arts on the campus of the University of Maine. Thank you to the University of Maine Concert Band for hosting this event.
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
Superintendent Search Input Requested With the announced retirement of Superintendent James Tager, the Bangor School Committee has initiated a search process to hire a new superintendent. The school committee has the responsibility and authority to make this hire. It has identified additional diverse representatives of the community to serve on the search / interview committee. The school committee is asking for input from you as to skills, knowledge, personal qualities, and characteristics that you think would be helpful as superintendent of schools in Bangor. Please reply using this link:
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
Superintendent Search Input Requested
A reminder of the Middle School Parent Night at Bangor High School tonight, 6:00-8:00 PM. Bring your students! Counselors, staff, and students will be available to give tours, assist with the registration process, and help select 9th grade classes.
about 1 year ago, Sam the Ram
Middle School Parent Meeting at BHS
Middle School Parent Night Bangor High School Thursday, February 29 6:00-8:00 PM Counselors, staff, and students will be available to give tours, assist with the registration process, and help select 9th grade classes.
about 1 year ago, Sam the Ram
Middle School Parent Night Bangor High School  Thursday, February 29  6:00-8:00 PM  Counselors, staff, and students will be available to give tours, assist with the registration process, and help select 9th grade classes.
Bangor High School will host a Middle School Parent Night on Thursday, February 29 at 6:00-8:00 PM. School Counselors, Educators and some students will be on hand to answer questions, guide you around the building and to generally share our experiences at Bangor HS. Parents and students are welcome to drop in for a visit at any point in that time frame.
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
Bangor High School
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
give kids a smaile
Congratulations to Coach Kenny and the Cohen A Cheerleaders for earning First Place at last night's cheering competition. Go Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
A Cheering
Good luck to the Cohen Cheerleaders at tonight's A Cheering Competition at Bangor High School. The competition will begin at 5:30pm. Go Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
Congratulations to the Cohen Math Counts Team for winning the Eastern Maine Math Counts Competition on Saturday! The team will be competing in the State meet in March. Go Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
Congratulations to all Cohen and Doughty basketball players and cheerleaders for their efforts at Crosstown Hoops! A tremendous thank you to the Cohen Boosters for their generosity and support of this great event for both schools.
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
Bangor High School Senior Boys Basketball Game Tonight 5 PM - JV Game 6:30 PM - Varsity Senior Game $5 Admission 8th graders and their families get in FREE!
about 1 year ago, Sam the Ram
Boys Basketball Senior Game. Bangor vs Lewiston
Good morning this is James Tager, Superintendent of the Bangor School Department. Due to icy road conditions, the Bangor School Department will have a two-hour delay for all schools on January 25, 2024. This delay will help to ensure the safety of our students and staff during the morning commute. A limerick to brighten your day There once was a school day so gray, With icy roads causing delay. For two hours we'd wait, As ice sealed our fate, In class, we’ll eventually find our way.
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
Bangor School Department
Join us for the 17th annual Crosstown Hoops this Friday, 1/26/24, from 3:00 - 8:00 PM in the Bangor High School Gymnasium: Admission is $3 / person or $10 / Family and is good for all four games! Concessions to benefit the Cohen Boosters. Come cheer on your Cohen Eagles and Doughty Bulldogs!
about 1 year ago, Zach Ellis
17th Annual Crosstown Hoops
Due to the winter weather forecast for this afternoon, January 16, 2024, there will be no after-school activities after regular school dismissal. Buses will depart from BHS at 2 pm. Middle Schools at 2:30 pm and PreK-5 School at 3 pm.
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
after school activities are cancelled January 16, 2024
Happy MLK Jr. Day. Every year, MLK Jr. Day reminds us of our commitment to public service, finding remedies to injustice, and commitment to all members of our community.
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
The  Bangor School Department will be closed  January 15th in recognition of  Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Cohen School Yearbook: Information about submitting 8th Grade Baby Photos for the 2023-24 yearbook is posted on the school website.
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner
The Bangor School Committee Meeting scheduled for January 10, 2024, has been cancelled due to the impending winter storm.
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
Bangor School Department Logo
Hello, this is James Tager, Superintendent of the Bangor School Department, with a winter weather haiku and an important message for families. Schools hushed, doors closed, Snow's decree, a day of rest, Kids play, laughter flows. Due to the most recent National Weather Service forecast for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 10, 2024 of a mixed precipitation winter storm with strong winds that may cause power outages throughout the Greater Bangor Region, I have decided to call a snow day. All BSD student activities as well as the School Committee Meeting scheduled for Wednesday are cancelled. For the safety of everyone in the BSD community and to give families time to make plans for tomorrow, I feel that making a decision tonight is best. Be safe.
about 1 year ago, Bangor School Department
BSD closed January 10 due to winter storm
There is no Monday morning (1.8.24) Orchestra at Cohen due to teacher illness.
about 1 year ago, Michael Missbrenner